
10 Most Painful Part to Get Tattooed

The pain of getting a tattoo is well-known. All of the parts below are painful, and you should be aware.

Tattoos are painful. It’s well-known. All of the places below are painful, and you should be aware of this before getting them tattooed. The needles are constantly going over thin skin and bones because there is no cushioning of fat or muscle in these areas. You know that it will hurt when it is just skin and bone. You’ll get through it, and you’ll walk away with something that will make it all worthwhile. No pain, no gain. Check out the list below for some of the top ten places that are most painful to tattoo.


The sternum is painful for similar reasons as the chest, but it also extends down to the stomach, causing the painful vibrations from your chest to also extend downwards. two words : not pleasant.

Inner Arm

The inner arm will hurt just as much as other painful areas of the body. The thinning of the skin is again a cue, and the nerves will react instantly to any coloured needle. The burn is more scratchy than throwing. be prepared. be prepared!


the hands, fingers and knuckles especially, are extremely boney and filled with ligaments. the skin on your hands is so thin that it will be extremely painful.


No. just no. the outline, shading, and highlighting are all pretty much the same when getting your ribs tattooed. The skin is so thin over this already highly sensitive area and the bones are spread out leaving areas of grooves and direct bone for the needles to graze over. rib sessions will definitely require breaks.


There is a large amount of bone in the chest. the skin will be thin and directly against the bony chest area unless you are working on those pectorals. Did we mention that the needle vibrations will be a lot more noticeable this time around?


they don’t call it the “swellbow”, for nothing. the elbow is not only going to hurt, but you’ll have to sit at an awkward angle with your arm bent in every direction.


The Feet Are Pretty Manageable at First, but as the tattoo session goes on, it’s going to really start to hurt. the tops of the feet will be the worst.


What could be worse than the inner arm?The armpit. think tattoo needle, level: razor burns.

Back of the Knee

Many people believe that the back of your knee is painful. While getting inked on your knees will hurt, it’s nothing compared to the pain of getting a tattoo. The back of the knee is a thin, malleable skin with a significant lack of muscle, just like your elbow ditch.


It is not a pleasant experience to have needles vibrate and stab you repeatedly in the head. Though the skull is said to not be as painful as many may believe, it still is going to be an uncomfortable session.

This post was written by J Michael Taylor. J Michael Taylor is an artist and owner of Black Amethyst Tattoo Gallery. Black Amethyst is the best amongst tattoo shops in Clearwater Florida. They provide an art-first approach to custom tattooing in a gallery setting.

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