
5 Best Educational Podcasts You Need to Listen To

Podcasts offer unique insights on various issues. They have become a source of thought leadership and insights in the education sector. Listening to these podcasts opens up your mind and will enlighten your participation in education. Choose one of the best custom dissertation writing services and create more time to listen to some of the most interesting podcasts in the sector.

The education sector has received a lot of attention from podcasters. However, not all podcasts are worth listening to. Some leave you yearning for more because of the depth of research that goes into preparing these audio files. Here are excellent educational podcasts to listen to.

1. Revisionist History

The podcast is available on Apple, Stitcher, and Spotify. The podcast is hosted by Malcolm Gladwell. As the title suggests and according to Gladwell, the podcast is supposed to address issues that have been misunderstood or ignored by conventional history books. You will be surprised by the insights and perspectives that the podcast brings to history. You will be forced to rethink your worldview.

One podcast could be about the Tea Party while the next addresses a hug between Richard Nixon and Sammy Davis. You will love the way Gladwell weaves the story using desperate yet unique threads. You will learn a lot about human experiences, especially how the information we have and that which we do not have shape our opinions.

2. Encyclopedia Womannica

The title suggests a podcast about women. It still delves into history but from the perspective of a woman. The podcast is hosted by Jenny Kaplan, an award-winning journalist and founder of WMN. It presents the stories of remarkable women in the history of mankind.

The podcasts delve into the lives of poets, physicists, civil rights activities, and ordinary folks. Each episode is five minutes long with a new podcast each week. This is where you meet feminine pioneers who have never been recognized in a patriarchal-leaning history.

3. Making Gay History

LGBTQ narrative has been on for a while. However, it is too shallow when discussed on news items. Making Gay History is redefining the discussion to give it a unique dimension as well as a context. Eric Marcus is a journalist who has been working on the subject since 1980. He has recorded interviews with more than 100 gay persons and is using the podcast to raise awareness about their plight. No history can be better than hearing from the mouth of people who have lived the LGBTQ life.

4. Climate Cast

As attention shifts to climate change and its devastating effects on mankind, Climate Cast by Minnesota Public Radio will be worth your time. It is a platform where myths are discarded and facts espoused. If you want to learn the latest about climate change, this is the podcast to follow.

The podcast engages patrons of industry, activists, politicians, and advocates of climate-change mitigation. The host is diligent to provide a balanced view. The show is between 4 minutes and 40 minutes depending on the topic of discussion. It is worth each minute.

5. 99% Invisible

Roman Mars and his mellow rich voice will provide the best podcast experience. He aims to showcase designs and architectural features that are silently shaping the world. He goes to great lengths to bring features and images that you have never encountered.

If you love design, 99% Invisible is your podcast. Mars uses a dulcet tone to capture your attention and imagination. There is always something new to learn about design with each episode.

Educational podcasts are identified by the depth of research and objectivity of the host. They cover different issues, some popular while others have been pushed to the peripheral. Choose your best dissertation writing service on RankMyService, turn on an educational podcast and enjoy the unique learning experiences they present.

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