A Complete Guide on Reactive Abuse

When most people hear the word abuse, they most often think of physical abuse. They expect someone who is abused to look abused and have visible wounds. Unfortunately, more often than not, abused people will not have any visible bruises or scars. This is especially true for people who suffer from reactive abuse.
What is Reactive Abuse
You may be asking yourself right now “What is reactive abuse?”. It is also commonly known as “gaslighting”. Reactive abuse is a type of mental warfare that an abuser will use to make the abused doubt their memories and sanity. The abuser will use coercion to make the abused believe anything that they tell them even when the abuser is completely aware that they have been caught in their lies.
The Warning Signs of Reactive Abuse
Reactive abuse can sometimes be the hardest type of abuse to recognize. The abuser can make the abused believe that everything is their fault. Even when the abused catches the abuse in a lie, the abuser is talented and will convince the abused that they are confused or mistaken. The abuser in a lot of these situations is very charming and persuasive.
An example of some things a reactive abuser may do are…
● Question The Abused Memories
Often the abused will bring something up to the reactive abuser and they will tell them that the event did not happen the way the abused thinks it did.
● Tell The Abused They Did Things That They Never Did
The reactive abuser will tell the abused that they did something and just do not remember it effectively making the abused question their sanity.
● Tell The Abused They Are Overreacting
Anytime the reactive abuser realizes they are caught they will make the abused feel like they are blowing things way out of proportion.
● Tell The Abused They Are The Ones That Are Being Abusive
Reactive abusers love to play the victim. If you ever get upset with them, they are likely to cry and say that you are abusing them.
● Accuse The Abused Of Being Clingy, Paranoid, or Jealous
If the abused points out something that the reactive abuser did, the abuser is likely to tell the abused they are being paranoid and have nothing to worry about.
Reactive abusers use all of these different techniques to make the abused completely doubt themselves. It can often be hard for some suffering from this type of abuse to see it clearly until it is pointed out and sometimes they will not realize it until they are out of the situation completely.
If reading this made you realize that you may have suffered or are suffering from reactive abuse, there is help available. If you are still dealing with the abuse, try to end all contact with your abuser as soon as possible. Healing from this type of abuse can be hard, but help is closer than you realize.
Several websites can help to match you with a doctor and a team of mental health professionals that can quickly help. They can make a treatment plan and if you need a prescription, they will help you get your medication quickly.
Seek Help Today
There is no good reason to delay getting help. Reach out and talk to someone today. Recovering from any type of abuse is hard, but you have to take the first step before you can ever take the last step. You can start your journey by just reaching out for help. Before you know it you can have a treatment plan and medication in the comfort of your home. Get started on the road to recovery today.