
A Comprehensive Guide To Planning A Graduation Party For Your Son or Daughter

Organizing and hosting a graduation party for your cherished and beloved son or daughter is truly one of the most incredibly proud and simultaneously exciting events of all, second only, perhaps, to their wedding day.

With that being said here, for your information and reading pleasure, is a comprehensive guide to planning a graduation party for your son or daughter.

Decide Upon The Budget

Obviously, one of the first and fundamental decisions to make when planning a graduation party is to determine the budget you are both able and willing to spend. Such a significant milestone in your son or daughter’s life is certainly worthy of a huge celebration, but this by no means requires you to spend an inordinate amount of money.

The key elements which you will need to pay for include the cost of the rent or hire of the location venue, any decorations, and any entertainment you want to provide as well as the affordable and highly necessary cost of bartending services in Denver, to ensure your guests have always got a drink in their hand.

Guests & Invites

It is likely that a high number of the friends of your graduating son or daughter are also graduating around the same time and perhaps even on the same day.

It is for this reason that it would be pertinent to organize the party the weekend after, or even the Friday night after, the graduation, to ensure that any family meals or other related parties can be attended so friends are free to celebrate with your child.

Naturally, the size of the venue is the only restriction on how many friends and family members to invite; just be sure to send out the invitations as soon as possible to ensure as many loved ones can come as possible.

Theme & Décor

The world truly is your proverbial oyster when it comes to choosing a theme and related decorations for the impending party and naturally it would be a fabulous idea to theme the décor around the subject in which your daughter or son has graduated in.

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Alternatively, why not choose to theme and decorate the venue and tables around some other more general and just as popular themes.

Some fabulous and stunning ideas include:

  • British Tea Party
  • Alice In Wonderland
  • Carnival Inspired
  • World Travel
  • Rustic
  • Tropical Beach Vibes
  • Sports
  • Harry Potter Graduating From Hogwarts

The Time Of The Party

Although it certainly does vary from state to state, as instead from college to college, generally your son or daughter is likely to graduate around the end of the summer into early September.

If you choose to hold the graduation party in this busy summer seasons, why not consider having the party at your own home, to enable guests to ‘pop’ in, rather than forcing them to commit to an entire evening; or alternatively, choose a weekend in fall.

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