
A Quick Guide to Finding the Perfect Child-Friendly Apartment in Dubai

Finding the right apartment can be a very stressful experience. What is ideal for you in terms of location, size, and amenities may not be ideal for others. It is even more difficult to find the right apartment when you are a parent because you need to consider not just your needs but those of your children as well.

Apart from the basic shelter that an apartment would provide for you and your children, there are a few other considerations to bear in mind when evaluating apartments. You will want an apartment that is close to good neighbours, has all the amenities you need, and is safe and secure.

Fortunately, Dubai has a variety of family-friendly apartment communities; some will be better suited to your needs than others. Keeping this in mind, here are four tips for finding the ideal apartment for your family.

1.    MakeSsure the Price Is Right

It is still a good idea to review your finances before going apartment hunting, just as you would if you were renting without children.

Calculate what you can afford in rent while taking into account your other living expenses. Budget for the security deposit, as well as the first and last month’s rent, which most landlords require upfront.

Setting a realistic rent budget now will help to streamline your search and prevent you and your children from falling in love with an apartment that is not financially feasible for your family especially when it comes to size.

2.  Choose an Apartment With Accessibility to Everyday Essentials

Narrowing down your apartment search to an area that will make your family life easier is often a necessary step in locating the best child-friendly apartment in Dubai. Examine your commute to work, school, and other places your family frequents from various points throughout the city to determine which areas will provide you with the shortest commute possible.

The key here is to ensure that your family lives close to everyday necessities such as schools, libraries, parks, and other amenities that can make family life easier. Getting an apartment near the best schools in Dubai, for example, would ensure that your child receives the best education possible, and you could also choose to walk your child to and from school.

3.    Search for an Apartment With Excellent Kid Safety Features

A gated apartment complex is the best option for security, but make sure that the apartments also have other child-specific safety features.

Not every apartment or apartment complex is outfitted with child-protection features. However, as a parent, you are responsible for your children’s safety. As a result, when looking for an apartment for the entire family, make sure there are no red flags in terms of security and safety for your children in the apartment, apartment complex, or neighbourhood.

Here are some of the things to lookout for:

  • Windows: If you have young children, make sure the windows are high and have child locks that work properly or are out of reach.
  • Patios, Balconies, and Railings: Ensure that the railings on patios and balconies are sturdy and high, with very little (or no) space between the parapet. All bannisters and railings should be securely fastened and should not wobble when leaning or tugging on them.
  • Stairs: Avoid narrow, hardwood stairs, which can be dangerous for toddlers to climb. Instead, look for an apartment with wide stairs that can be secured with a carpet or a roll runner.
  • Street: Ideally, you should not choose an apartment that is near or on a busy street. It should also have speed bumps and street signs warning drivers to be cautious of children on the road.
  • Neighbors: Before committing to an apartment, find out if the complex is also home to other families with children. If there are, it is a good indicator of how child-friendly the complex is. As an added bonus, having other families with children in the complex can be a great way for the entire family to make new friends.

Other Features to Consider

Choose an apartment with a fenced-in courtyard whenever possible. If there is a pool in the complex, ensure that it is child proofed, and that all play sets, tree houses, or swing sets in the complex are stable for daily use.

4.    Select an Apartment With Family-Friendly Amenities 

Getting an apartment in a complex with a play area, playground, or on-site playroom would be a major plus for you as a parent. So, be on the lookout for apartments with these features. This way, you would not have to leave your apartment complex every time the kids want to play.

You should also look for apartments in complexes with amenities that make it easy for you to attend to your family’s practical needs. Apartments for rent in Marsa Plaza, for example, include access to an on-site laundry facility, service elevators, storage areas (which can be used to store projects, books, clothes, toys, and other odds and ends), and other amenities that make family life in an apartment easier.

If your children are still in strollers, consider the width of the doors and hallways leading to your apartment; make sure you can easily go through them with a stroller without any hiccup.

Finally, if you have older children, consider going for an apartment with at least two bathrooms, as sharing one bathroom can lead to morning backups and squabbles. Multiple baths mean the whole family can get ready in the morning in record time.

Find the Right Home for Your Family

With some careful searching, you will undoubtedly find the ideal children friendly apartment in Dubai for you and your family.

Just remember to think about your family’s specific needs and weigh your options. You should always cover all the bases before signing the lease.

These four tips for renting with children can give you a head start to finding the best possible place for your family, because you really do not want to consider these things after you have already moved into a new rental property.

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