
Can Recyclability Give Aluminum Bottles The Edge Over Plastic?

Customers are becoming more aware of the materials used in packaging, there have been some challenges in moving away from plastic beverage packaging. Luke Christou analyses if these barriers are about to be overcome by using Aluminum as a substitute.

The infinite recyclability of aluminum bottles provides it an advantage over plastic. Even if it is recycled, plastic will eventually degrade to the point where it must be burnt or disposed of in a landfill. Unlike plastic, which degrades nearly soon after manufacture, Aluminum maintains its quality indefinitely, regardless of how many times it is recycled and reused.

As a packaging material, Aluminum also allows for easier recycling than plastic. One material is Aluminum, and most people know that it can be recycled. Plastics, on the other hand, are plentiful, and determining if a bottle, its label, and its cap are recyclable does not inspire buyers.

Striking A Balance Between Profit And Long-Term Viability

Aluminum bottle packaging may be a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic packaging, but firms must make a difficult choice. While using a different material may help you accomplish your sustainability goals, making modifications that don’t satisfy customer expectations could cost you money.

A prior study undertaken by a non-profit organization found that According to the Conference Board and Neilsen, 70% of customers worldwide are concerned about the environmental impact of food packaging.

In some circumstances, changing packaging may lead customers to seek out their alternative if they believe the product’s quality or simplicity of use has deteriorated.

While consumers claim that sustainability is essential, their actions imply that it isn’t the most significant aspect when picking a brand. That’s not a good scenario for a brand to be in, juggling the need to maintain or grow sales while still keeping promises about sustainability.

Changing Consumer Mindsets

When shows like Blue Planet II aired, it sparked a discussion about recycling and environmentally friendly packaging materials. But, despite all of the debate, are we as culture changing our ways?

Although most consumers are concerned about environmental issues, only a small percentage actively purchase sustainable items. According to a survey conducted, 65 percent of consumers want to buy products from companies that promote sustainability, but only 26 percent do. And, of course, aluminum bottles are the most environmentally friendly.

§  Putting consumers’ appetite for Aluminum packaging to the test:

Beverages in aluminum bottles, such as cold brew coffees, coconut waters, and wine, are now more popular. Because plastic bottles can be resealed, consumers may believe that Aluminum drinks packaging is less convenient. Ever & ever aluminum packaging, for example, has a resealable lid while still being 100 percent recyclable.

Concerns about the weight of Aluminum versus plastic and whether the sustainability value is lost in transporting a heavier product may also be raised.

Final Words

The aluminum can is the most recycled packing container on the planet. More than half of all aluminum cans are recycled worldwide, and approximately 60% of all Aluminum in the UK has previously been recycled.

Recyclability of aluminum bottles saves up to 95 percent of the energy required to produce the metal from its basic materials, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, relieves pressure on waste disposal systems – particularly landfills – and reduces litter.

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