Does Rice Have Gluten?
If you are wondering does rice have gluten, rice products – white, brown, wild and glutinous (sticky) alike – are naturally gluten free. This means they do not contain the protein gluten which can aggravate symptoms for people suffering from celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
However, when it comes to eating gluten free there are a few key things you must keep an eye out for. Rice may become contaminated during its harvesting or manufacturing processes which could compromise its integrity and become toxic for consumption.
It is naturally gluten free
Rice is an incredibly nourishing grain that’s enjoyed as part of daily cuisine in over 100 nations worldwide, providing ample amounts of protein, fiber and carbohydrates.
All forms of natural rice – white, brown and wild – are gluten-free and thus an excellent alternative for people sensitive to or allergic to gluten, the protein present in wheat, barley and rye products.
Those following a gluten-free diet should ensure that any rice purchased comes from facilities certified gluten-free; this will help avoid cross contamination from other gluten-containing cereals used during production processes.
At your grocery store, there is an assortment of naturally gluten-free rice varieties, such as jasmine, red and wild. These options may prove convenient when looking for gluten-free products.
It is not always gluten free
Rice is an everyday food found on many menus. A snack or side dish, rice is also an essential component of plant-based diets and an important source of protein, iron and fiber.
Rice may become gluten-contaminated during processing, particularly in developed nations where food producers refine and package various grains using shared equipment. This potential cross-contact should be carefully monitored.
People suffering from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can be sensitive to even small amounts of gluten; even non-celiac gluten sensitivity should avoid food that contains gluten such as processed rice products.
It can be contaminated with gluten
Rice does not typically contain gluten; however, production facilities that also produce wheat may contaminate it with gluten. Therefore, it’s important to seek products labeled gluten free when purchasing food products.
Rice is a complex grain composed of an outer bran layer containing fibre, vitamin B complexes, and proteins; and an inner endosperm section with two types of starch.
It can be contaminated with arsenic
Rice is an integral component of life for millions of people around the globe, providing essential vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates – but also contains small traces of arsenic.
Inorganic arsenic is an element found in soil, water and some foods; its high doses can be toxic to human beings and pose significant health risks.
Fluorine deposits in kidneys and bladders have also been linked with multiple health conditions and cancer-causing diets, leading to potential long-term consequences and even cancerous growths.
Select rice with the lowest levels of inorganic arsenic. Consumer Reports suggests basmati rice from California, India or Pakistan for best results.
But if you can’t locate this type of rice, be sure to rinse and cook it with six parts water per one part rice, draining off any extra liquid once finished cooking.
Rice should never be given to infants and young children, as it may contain arsenic. Rice is often included in baby formula products so be sure to read labels thoroughly to confirm there’s no rice present.