
How IOP Can Help in Substance Abuse Recovery

There are various ways one can do to get on the road to recovery from substance abuse. Some try it on their own, by going cold turkey or attempting to have an accountability system with a trusted friend or loved one. Others, meanwhile, turn to more professional methods, such as by getting into a substance abuse treatment program.

One of the ways to tackle substance abuse is through Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). Essentially, IOP is a program for patients who do not stay within the rehabilitation facility. It could be that they have recently graduated from an inpatient program, or it’s also possible that they are still in the early stages of addiction, and thus are still not at that point wherein they will need to become an inpatient.

Being in IOP allows better flexibility for the patient in terms of living their daily lives as regularly as possible. They can stay with their families, continue working or go to school, and even engage in recreational activities that they may be interested in. 

The main thrust of IOP, therefore, is to arm the patient with helpful techniques and tools that can help them live a more sustainable way of life that’s free from substance abuse. Here are some ways that intensive outpatient programs can help in your journey to recovery. 

Peer Support

While there are opportunities for individual counseling and group therapies, peer support can provide that extra safeguard to ensure accountability for the patient. Some programs could assign accountability buddies, which would require them to keep each other in line and away from situations or environments that are going to put their progress at risk. 

Having peer support is deemed important in recovery, especially because former addicts would have likely isolated themselves in the past, or might have even cut ties with their own family and friends. Getting back out there after rehab, therefore, can become an overwhelming situation. With no one to turn to that they can trust, and with no one around them that can relate to what they’ve been through, it might lead them down the path of relapse. 

Having someone there who can reassure them, therefore, and just be there to provide understanding and encouragement, is something that could make for a successful, sustainable recovery. 

Life Skills Training

Coming out of rehab can feel a lot like being reborn. It’s a new you with a fresh start to a new life. You may have your family and friends waiting for you, and ready to welcome you home, or you may find yourself alone but ready to build new relationships. Whichever the case, you must be able to approach these relationships with confidence, but also with utmost care. 

Outpatient treatment programs help teach the skills to improve your emotional intelligence, communication skills, and psychological conditioning. Being able to set boundaries is important, so you can protect yourself from triggers or any other untoward situations.

Medical and Mental Health Services

Recovering from substance abuse requires consistent efforts. However, it can be tedious and exhausting, even for someone who has already achieved significant progress. To make sure that the patient is able to stay on this path of wellness, medical and mental health services are available.

This also includes access to a Crisis Hotline, which the patient may call anytime they feel like they are in danger of slipping into a relapse, or if they have started slipping back into it.

These are but some of the ways Intensive Outpatient Programs can help in the recovery from substance abuse. A comprehensive evaluation from credible facilities like NuView Treatment Center ( can help get the rehabilitation process started.

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