
How to Design Online Course Printables using Canva.

This post will teach you how to design online course printables using Canva. Canva is an online design tool that helps you create professional, shareable graphics and content without the need for any expensive designer tools or skills. Instead, it takes a few clicks and a little time to develop quality visuals. This post will demonstrate how you can use Canva’s tools to generate printables.

Canva is an online editing tool that lets you easily create professional, shareable graphics and content without the need for any expensive designer tools or skills. Instead, you can design your graphics and make them truly unique. Canva offers several graphic design tools, including a color wheel, image cropping tool, dimension tool, text tool, and more. However, the most impressive thing about Canva is that it works from your computer or mobile device. 

Step 1: Creating an Online Course Blog

Every successful online courses platform has a blog before starting or encourages learners to register for a class. Your goal is to encourage readers and attract their attention with the printable material. One of my favorite ways of doing this is to promote the registration in your post by sharing other courses and asking them if they know someone who could use it. For example, if you are running a course about developing your brand, you can create a blog to post examples of other people’s brands and ask your readers if they know anyone in need of that course. By doing this, the people helping you spread the word will feel more included, increasing their desire to get involved in the discussion.

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Step 2: Designing an Uploadable Image for your Course

The best way to create quality images is by using Canva. For example, running a writing course should be designed with interesting images and words to motivate people to read the blog. However, please do not feel limited by what I have presented here because you can do so much more with Canva. You can use your creativity to re-design the online course and make it more appealing. I also recommend using images with a high content value because it will naturally attract more engagement. If you don’t know what content value means, you should research this because once you learn to interpret images perfectly, You will start to understand how powerful photographs can be.

Step 3: Designing the Course

Once you have created your online course blog post, the next step is to create the course. The question you need to ask is, “What will I be teaching?” Once you have determined the topic of your course, take a little time to go over what you want to teach and how much you want to charge students. Using Canva’s Design School, Presentation Tool is a good place to start. You can decide on a price range and adjust it based on your individual needs.

Step 4: Setting up the Course

The next step is to set up the course. The first thing you want to do is choose a name for your course make sure it is catchy and memorable. Next, you will select how people will sign up for this course, such as what social media platforms they can use. There are four different options that learners can use to sign up. You can allow students to sign up using their email address, Facebook account, Twitter account, or Pinterest account. You also have the option of allowing people to register by providing their name and email address only. Once you have decided how people will register, you will add your course description.

Step 5: Assigning Tasks to Students

You are now ready to begin assigning tasks to students. First, choose a small and simple task for your learners, such as outlining the elements of their brand or writing their biography. After choosing a small task for learners, provide feedback about what they did well, areas for improvement, and how they can improve those skills in the future.

Step 6: Reviewing the Course

After a few weeks, it is time to review your students’ work. This will allow you to look at what they have learned and let you know where you should begin teaching and where they need more practice. If you are creating a personal branding course, then it may be helpful to recruit a friend and assign them the same project. You can both review benefits of online course app with your friend’s work and give constructive criticism about what areas of improvement they should focus on. Then help them improve those skills before starting a new project for the next week of class.

Keep in mind that online courses challenge students and require constant feedback, encouragement, and education. Therefore, it is important to review the work to ensure that students consistently improve their skills.

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