How To Instill & Encourage Independence In Your Children

After the trials and tribulations experienced and caused by the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, there has been a notable increase in the feelings of parents and guardians in wanting to better equip their child, both emotionally and academically, for the modern world.
One of the best possible ways to prepare your child and arm them with the tools and knowledge to navigate both a successful professional career and a happy and fulfilled personal life when they get older is to instill and encourage an independent and free-thinking spirit as soon as you can.
With this in mind, continue reading to learn how to do just that.
Change Their Attitude To Failure
Like the old cliché, ‘there’s no point crying over spilt milk’, when your child does something which either does not turn out the way that they had hoped or indeed expected, you should actively change their mindset from thinking that a failure reflects badly on the choices they have made into one of change and a more positive overall outlook.
Let your child learn from their own mistakes and even if they repeat this ‘wrong move’, (unless it will be emotionally or physically harmful) allow them to learn for themselves that this choice is not one that will provide them with the results they are striving towards.
Consider A Year At Boarding School
Wholly dependent on your child’s age, personality as well, of course, on your own financial situation and stability levels, one of the most incredibly effective ways in which you can instill a feeling of confidence and independence into your child is to send them to an international boarding school for a year or more of their education.
Prestigious and established boarding schools, whether they be an international school in Pattaya or else a boarding school in the highlands of Scotland, will allow your child to immerse themselves not only in their education, but also into their hobbies, interests and passions in an independent yet structured manner.
Establish A Structured Weekday Routine
Another fantastically beneficial yet incredibly effective way of instilling confidence and independence into your child, even at an early age, is to work to a structured and uniform weekday routine at home.
As soon as your child is old enough, encourage them to make their own breakfast, only remind them to brush their teeth and wash their face if they are failing to take this initiative themselves and slowly step back from preparing and packing their school bag for the day ahead.
Be Encouraging
This, upon first read, may seem somewhat obvious when wanting to encourage independence and confidence into your child or children.
However, when you are juggling a busy life involving your own professional commitments, looking after your child and the plethora of other roles and responsibilities you have taken on, it can sometimes be easy to offhandedly dismiss your child when they are showing something they have either completed or created.
Always strive to be as encouraging as possible, especially when the task your child is completing is one that ordinarily you would have done for them.