Jobs with the most security in a post-pandemic world
If you, like so many others, have found your job under threat or even curtailed through the recent coronavirus pandemic, you might find yourself wondering what career could offer you a measure of security as the world gradually moves out of restrictions.
COVID-19 has undoubtedly changed the employment landscape in many ways – everything from how and where we work to the positions that remain viable as the world slowly returns to something nearing our previous normality. Moving forward, it would be a good idea for employees to start considering the post-pandemic opportunities now to try and future-proof their chances of work once the virus has fully passed.
Below are just a few jobs expected to thrive in our post-pandemic new world.
Careers in IT and tech
If there’s one thing coronavirus highlighted, it was our almost complete reliance these days on tech, the internet and computers. With the remote working policies that arose through successive lockdowns, the companies that thrived and survived were, almost without exception, those that already had solid IT infrastructure in place and were able to adapt to working over networks.
Even as the worst of the virus passes, employees of the future will likely look for – or even demand – these same working policies that afforded them a much better work/life balance.
With the growth of remote working, there’s one thing for sure – IT, tech and computer specialists will remain in demand long after this virus has left the planet so looking to retrain in IT will give you an assured career for many years to come.
Learn about cloud networking
Alongside the move towards remote and home working, the demand for skilled cloud computing specialists has skyrocketed as companies moved their previously local digital services to third-party providers capable of providing network services over IT connections.
Despite the fact cloud computing is still relatively new, there are already established players in this field – with companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft largely spearheading the way and driving the tech adopted by other providers.
If you want to stay one step ahead of fellow job seekers and enhance your chances of employment, you should consider learning more about these key players – for example, by taking an AWS tutorial that will give you the essential knowledge to work with Amazon Web Services tech – currently the largest cloud provider globally. As the digitalization of business continues relentlessly, having these skills and this kind of knowledge will be a positive asset in any job, in almost any sector.
Brush up on your HR skills
While the workplace has undoubtedly been transformed in recent years with automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, some jobs will always need a human touch. Computers and tech may well be changing how Human Resources consultants work but, for now anyway, machines fall well short of the human traits of empathy and care that are required to be successful in HR.
Indeed, of all future jobs you could consider, those that involve natural human traits are by far the hardest for robots and machines to emulate, meaning they will continue to be in demand for many years to come.