
New World Game Guide: Players Want to Obtain More Winter Wander Reputation in New World

In New World, every player are waiting for the Winter Convergence Festival, because this is the first major seasonal event in the game. And they are looking forward to taking part in the festival new activities during the holiday season. When players are joining in the festival activities, they can obtain their event reputation and have more chances to get unique winter-themed armor and weapons. Moreover, if players want to be strong in the battles against opponents, you need to buy New World Gold to purchase them for your character in New World.

The Winter Wanderer is the host of the Winter Convergence Festival. It is a nice Yeti who has built up four winter villages for players to have fun. There are the locations of four winter villages in New World. They are Ever fall, Monarch’s Bluffs, Bright wood, and Weaver’s Fen. Players can find them easily on the mini map, and they are close to the territory’s fast travel shrines. You can find the Winter Wanderer at each of four villages and it will provide some quests for players to complete. You can go to Yeti’s caves to kill them and stop the Forever Winter in order to complete missions. Then, players can talk to the Winter Wanderer to view the Convergence Shop, while they can buy many rewards from the shop with their Winter Tokens due to the increase of the reputation.

There are a lot of ways to obtain reputation from the Winter Wanderer. First, you can travel around the world to gather Lost Presents that are dropped by the Winter Wanderer around the world. You can find most presents on the ground, while some presents are flying in the sky, players need to shoot them with ranged attack to gather all of them. You can obtain 5 event XP each present, then you can exchange them into the event tokens at the Winter Village. Second, you can gather Gleamite to obtain reputation. It fall randomly from the sky with a meteor show in the night. You can get 5 XP for each Gleamite and 25 XP for large Gleamite Chunks. Similar to the Lost Presents, you can also exchange it into event tokens at the Winter Village.

How to Obtain More Winter Wanderer Reputation

If you want to obtain Winter Wander Reputation quickly, you can try to visit Trees of Light in New World. You can find Trees of Light in the town square that are located in each settlement. It will award players with event reputation, and a special gift which contains a metal ingot and gold coins. Players can visit various settlement’s trees to obtain its rewards each day. When you complete the Town Project quests, you will increase the tier level of the Tree, then you will get a large amount of reputation from the tree as reward. On the other hand, players can also visit four Winter Villages to obtain the Gift sack from the Winter Wanderer, which will give you 125 XP for each gift sack.

When players are going to increase their reputation rank, they have more chances to obtain unique frost-coated weapons and armor. The higher your reputation rank, the better rewards you will get from the Winter Wanderer’s Convergence Shop.

Players are excited about the coming of the winter festival in New World. If you want to get more unique skins or gear, you can Buy New World Coins to purchase them from the trading post. You can find cheap prices about New World Coins on

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