
Some preparation tips with the help of NCERT books

When we talk about the preparation of Class 11 and 12, students usually prefer to prepare with the CBSE NCERT textbooks. These books are designed in such a manner that helps in covering the entire syllabus of CBSE classes 11 and 12. The students also rely on the NCERT textbooks blindly. The class 11 NCERT books are constructed in such a way that easily assists in learning all the subjects very easily. The NCERT solutions help in providing help to provide the solutions to prepare for the board exams.

We all know that class 11 and class 12 helps in building our careers. This is the base step towards the start of the career in which your interest lies. The main thing here arises how to get the solution of NCERT books. So here you can seek online help from the experienced faculty which assists the students in providing conceptual and numerical issues which students generally find the problem in NCERT books. Not only for classes have 11 and 12, but these books also helped in providing help in the preparation of competitive tests such as IIT-JEE, NEET, BITSAT, JEE MAINS, VITEEE and other competitive exams. Know that, as students, you need to be clear about the entire fundamental concept and that is only possible if you get reliable solutions to the NCERT textbooks.

There are many online institutions where you can rely on the NCERT textbook solutions. The solutions are designed in such a manner that helps in easy clarity of the topic which helps them in the long-term. You can easily get subject wise solutions on these online platforms. To prepare well for these exams, follow the following tips:

  • Prepare notes- This is one of the most undervalued things but knows that notes help in building the retention power of the student. The more you will make handwritten notes, the more it will bring clarity. The notes will help in slowly building the retaining capacity which will help you in long term. Also, the student will be able to get the fundamental concept step by step. As everyone has their own way to learn, making notes will help you to understand and retain better. Make sure to make the notes with the help of NCERT textbooks as these books cover everything in detail.
  • Get through the syllabus- Before starting the preparation, always prepare a list mentioning all the subjects in detail. This will help you to know the easy and the difficult topics. You can easily build a timetable, if you wish, by combining an easy topic with a difficult one.
  • Seek help from solutions- Solutions always help you to know whether you are doing everything right or not. Download the NCERT textbook solution to get help from the solutions. You can easily get class 11 Hindi solutions or solutions of other subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, accountancy, etc. These solutions will undoubtedly help you to get on the right track. Just make sure to get these solutions where you can totally rely on them.
  • Make the learning process enjoyable- Studying all the time can be a bit monotonous for many students. To make the learning process bit interesting, it is important for you to build interest and passion in the subject. This way you will be able to focus more and also will make the process bit more productive. The efficiency will be improving day by day. Also, do not rush, get to the next step slowly and gradually to learn better.
  • Get sample papers- Many online platforms are offering supplemental notes, sample papers, question papers and much more. These are provided with the solutions so that you can match your answers. This will help in practicing and will help in improving the speed i.e. time management. These sample papers will also be helpful in competitive exams like JEE, NEET etc. Self-learning will surely help you out to crack these exams efficiently.
  • Build connection- It may sound a bit weird but building a connection with the subject, no matter how boring the topic is, will help in learning better. Try to get involved with the subject matter as it will help you to stay focused. This is a crucial factor to consider. The moment you will find a connection with the study material, you will grasp it better.

So above are some preparation tips for classes 11 and 12. If you are looking for solutions, you can seek help from Infinity Learn. They have a staff of the best teachers with good years of expertise. The solutions are developed by experts and top-rated teachers. The solutions have step by step answers which help in an in-depth understanding of the concept. Know that these solutions will help you out to do better in exams without any doubt.

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