Taking Control of Your Home and Decluttering

When your home is full of clutter, you can find it difficult to enjoy your home as much as you should. You may find that daily living is more of a chore than it needs to be, and you may also find that you want to be in your home for as little time as possible. When rooms within your home are full of clutter, you will never enjoy them as much as you can or as much as you should. When you struggle to get enjoyment and relaxation out of your home, you may also find that it affects your mental health and well-being too. Taking control of the problem as soon as possible is going to help you in the long run. So, what can you do to take back control, and where should you start the process?
One Room at a Time
Even if your whole home is full of clutter, it is important to only focus on one room (or space at a time). When you focus your efforts and attention on one space, you can be sure that you carry out the decluttering process correctly, and you can also be sure that the clutter does not end up leaving you feeling overwhelmed. When you focus on one room at a time, you can then work out a system and order that works for you and your lifestyle.
Creating Three Piles
As you are sorting out your rooms, you need to focus on creating three piles. When you put your belongings, stuff, and even junk into three piles, you can then see what you have. The three piles should be labeled as “Trash, Goodwill and Keep”. Having three clear piles will help you sort through everything that you have. Of course, you will come across certain items that do not fit in any pile. Perhaps family heirlooms that have been passed down to you, or possibly even antiques. When you find that something does not belong in a pile, then you are best to set it aside and seek expert guidance, as it may be more valuable than you think.
Seeing the Experts
If you have antiques or family heirlooms, you may well be thinking, are my antiques real, and how much are they worth. Without expert advice and guidance, you will find it difficult to put a value on your treasured pieces, and you will struggle to see if something is worth keeping or not. Experts can provide you guidance alongside valuation figures, and these can help you to make up your mind about what to do with a piece.
Action to Prevent Decluttering in the Future
Now that all of your clutter is sorted out, you want to be sure that clutter does not become a problem in the future. To be sure of this, you have to create an action plan for how you will deal with the mess, junk, and clutter. For example, will you set aside time once a week to have a quick declutter of your home? Or, will you spend a few minutes decluttering each day (when you get time)? Taking action to prevent clutter building is a positive step you must take.