Things I Learnt from Vocal Classes Singapore Programs

Taking vocal classes Singapore programs was one of the ways I learnt proper singing techniques. If you are looking to become a better singer, here are some of the things that I learned from attending classes.
Proper Singing Technique
You might be wondering, what is proper singing technique? Isn’t singing just voice projection and remembering lyrics correctly? Actually, singing is more detailed than lots of people think and those singers that implement their abilities a lot more carefully are the ones we appreciate the most.
Proper singing entails: good breathing, control of the larynx area, placement of voice and more. The most important aspect of singing is breath as it is the basis for everything related to our voice and singing. Breath affects our voice’s tone and quality, the ability to reach required pitch arrays, power and the ability to hold notes over a long duration. Here are some exercises done in vocal classes to help discover the appropriate breathing techniques:
Begin by lying on your back. Push your back into the floor and imagine you have just eaten a big meal and puff your belly up as big as you can. Relax and return to normal. This time, breathe in and let your lungs fill with air and your belly expand. Make sure you keep your upper body and shoulders relaxed and on the ground. Now, begin hissing out like air escaping out of a tire. At the same time, pull your lower abdomen in. Expel as much air as you can by the time you count to 10. Repeat this exercise a few times. Once you are ready, try this exercise standing up, it will help you to breathe properly for singing and locate the muscles to activate when singing.
Do Not Skip Warmups
Many singers and vocalists often strain their voices attempting to do things which they have not prepared their vocal muscles for. Can you imagine an athlete trying to beat their fastest timing before even training for it? Obviously not, and yet vocalists do this regularly. This is not so noticeable for singing since you cannot see your vocal folds. If you could, you would certainly see that they require extraordinary agility, flexibility and stamina to move, extend, shorten and shake at the rates required to produce the variety of sounds a great tune demands. Trying to sing before establishing the vocal folds and associated muscles of the voice will certainly cause strain and stress.
Doing warmup exercises and scales help to ease the vocal chords into singing high and low notes without over stressing the vocal chords. It is important to prevent such strain from occurring as they could lead to permanent damage.
Singing requires proper prosture to help bring out the best sound and prevent strain on your vocals. While singing, singers should pay attention to the placement of their feet, knees, hips, abdominal area, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, and head.