
What is architectural facade lighting and how to arrange it?

Lighting design is gaining more and more popularity, today siding contractors come up with not only general room lighting. Illumination of the facade of a country house, sometimes of city high-rises, is becoming more and more common and popular. Everyone, when building their home, tries to stand out from the general mass of buildings of the same type, using bright and beautiful lighting. The task of architectural lighting is to highlight the entire building or its parts to emphasize them and emphasize the status of the owner of the building.

Of course, in this way, you can not only decorate your home, but also increase the level of convenience and comfortable living at night. In this article, you will learn about lighting methods, standards and requirements that must be followed when lighting your building.

Types of facade lighting

In creating an artistic image, designers distinguish three main methods for lighting the house. By combining them, you can create an unforgettable image that will be unforgettable for all guests and passers-by.

Facade lighting is divided into:

  • Local.
  • pour.
  • Hidden lighting.

Let’s analyze each of them in more detail, local lighting is used to illuminate decorative elements and highlight the most significant parts of the house. Most often, street spotlights are used, directing them to doors, columns, illuminating signs with a description, etc.

Flooding lamps, set the light on the entire building at once, thereby sanctifying it completely, emphasizing the majesty or significance of the structure. Very often, such lighting can be seen near designer concrete and stone buildings, monuments and pedestals. Street lamps, for general lighting, can be placed both on the ground, at the base, and on the roof of neighboring buildings. Such lighting is best combined with local lighting. On a general light background, especially illuminated details seem even more beautiful and are better perceived by the human eye.

Directional light sources can use the same lamps as for general lighting, but only with low power, thus they will capture a small area of ​​the building and highlight it.

Hidden lighting is used to highlight the elements of the building, while it has small dimensions, which allows it to be hidden from view.

It, in turn, has been broken down into three subtypes:

  1. Color dynamics – combining different lighting options, adjusting the light intensity and creating shaded areas.
  2. Highlighting along the contour – LED strips are most often used for such lighting, they can perform such work most effectively. Such architectural lighting will highlight the contours of the building, showing its majesty and graceful contours. Facilitates transfers of soft lighting.
  3. Highlighting silhouettes – creates a general impression of the lighting object, but does not show the main elements.

Using architectural lighting in country houses, the owner will immediately receive several advantages. In addition to the beautifully designed structure, it fully provides your yard with sufficient light for safe and comfortable movement around the site at night.

How to properly illuminate your house

. Lighting specialists highlight two options, with the help of which you can achieve harmonious and beautiful lighting of your country house. The easiest way is to use lamps for the general lighting of the building. Combining them with spotlights that emphasize the main elements of the decor. It should be remembered that the light sources used for city high-rises are not always suitable for private houses. After all, their power is usually much greater than necessary, this can cause discomfort and negatively affect the lighting of the building.

Illuminating the facade of your country house, the best solution will be lamps of the “down-light” type. When using them, you can change the direction and angle of light. They are ergonomic and well suited for areas with a limited area. Their maximum compactness will help to place them inconspicuously, so that they do not disturb you and do not cause any inconvenience. They can be called small spotlights, as the light emitted by them is very similar.

Directional light sources equipped with an LED lamp can create very unusual and colorful effects. In them, you can set the necessary distance over which the light will scatter, change the direction and strength of the light beam. By using LED lighting, you will not only save on electricity, but also protect yourself from the endless replacement of light bulbs. Such lamps are capable of working for many years without any interventions. Since they can create a fairly strong luminous flux, at the same time very uniform around the entire perimeter, their electricity consumption is very low.

Surface lamps can also provide good lighting for the home. If you want to illuminate the front of the building near the entrance, you can use a decorative lantern. Thanks to their varieties, they will perfectly match any interior and design.

When illuminating the paving and porch of your house, we advise you to use specifically directed lamps. Such lighting can spread light evenly over the area. We advise you to use a single type of light for all elements when lighting. Adhering to this, the lighting will be harmonious and beautiful.

If you use light sources on a long leg, then in the daylight they can spoil the entire aesthetic appearance. It follows that this should also be taken into account when designing the facade lighting.

Correct selection of lamps

When choosing street light sources for your building, you should take into account the following factors, they are fundamental and must be taken into account:

  • Type of street lamps used.
  • How they are mounted.
  • Fastening features.
  • Features of the purpose.

Since the main task of this equipment is to emphasize the elements of decor and lighting of the adjacent street area, it is necessary to pay due attention to the study of technical characteristics. Devices must fit according to standards and comply with safety regulations. The level of their protection must be very high, as they are exposed to various influences on the street.

What should you pay attention to first of all:

  1. The presence of an aluminum case.
  2. The maximum degree of damp and dust insulation.
  3. The degree of protection should start from IP65.
  4. Strong and impact-resistant body.
  5. Reliable and durable fastening.

No matter what the exterior is, with the right play of light, it becomes bright and at the same time mysterious, modern, but with a touch of the Middle Ages.

Let’s sum up, no matter how well thought out the design of your building is, organically selected street lighting can greatly improve it. In turn, the wrong approach can nullify all the beauty of the design. Today, a variety of different lamps will help you cope with the issue of lighting and make your home a truly heavenly corner.

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