It would seem that there is no difference what resource you are going to host. You have chosen the necessary parameters of hardware and software, found an acceptable tariff plan from a reliable provider, signed a contract – and go ahead. If you have no money to spare, you can rent a dedicated server. If you have your own web developer on staff, a VPS/VDS with root access is sufficient. All this is true, but in fact it is much more complicated. Let’s take game hosting, which is considered separately as a type of hosting services for a reason.
Features of game hosting
Most often, the choice of parameters hosting server is based on high demands on either physical resource such as disk space, RAM, CPU power. Or on more important bandwidth, unlimited connection billing, ping and UpTime. In the case of game server hosting, all parameters at one time or another may not just be important, but critical. For the server to be able to handle hundreds and even thousands of user requests online, maintain the speed of the game, transfer complex graphics, store data gamers need a very powerful and reliable in all parameters host.
The situation is more complicated when the owners of gaming services also earn on their resource. It means that users are demanding and picky, about parameters and in addition to installation and maintenance of game software it is necessary to set up billing and other auxiliary applications of management level. Not the last place is the security of player data, the resource itself, including from unscrupulous gamers.
Many users connect to the server with mobile gadgets, which have a lower connection speed and less powerful hard drive resource than desktop computers. First of all, there are difficulties with transmitting and processing high resolution video content. If the site is hosted on a low-performance hosting service, it becomes virtually impossible to play.
Criteria for game hosting
The easiest option -to buy cheap 10Gbps dedicated server. For a quick start is suitable server with pre-installed game and appropriate settings, but to monetize such a resource is quite difficult. You have to put up with the limitations, which are dictated by the specified parameters of resources and administration.
When choosing a hosting provider to independently host a gaming resource, gamers are advised to pay attention to the following parameters.
Who uses game hosting
Organizing multiplayer access to the game service on the local computer is quite difficult. Apart from installing special software, you need direct access to the IP-address for unauthorized participants of the game process. You may have to raise a virtual server and figure out the security settings at the web programming level. Not to mention the fact that the computer itself should be very powerful, continuously working even in case of a power outage. It is necessary to choose the widest channel of access. The more complex the game, the higher demands it places on the hardware. In this situation, the lease server hosting will be the best solution.
Game hosting differs in that they are adapted to the online game in the spirit of Minecraft, Counter-Strike, GTA Online or World of Warcraft. Their servers store player data and run real-time logic that describes the location and actions of characters in the virtual world. Game hosting is in demand by three main categories of users:
Those who want to play resource-intensive games on their own server with high performance, fast SSD drives, large amounts of RAM.
Players who do not want to depend on the state of their personal PC or computers of other participants, always be online.
Users who have decided to monetize participation in the game at the expense of third-party gamers.
Naturally, it is the third group has the greatest demands on the capabilities of the hoster. They are willing to invest in a reliable and powerful hosting to make money on it.