Why Having a Lawyer is Important in 2023

It is clear why it is important to have a lawyer if you are directly involved in a legal case or dispute. Lawyers are experts in the law, which is a complicated field, and offer their expertise to help people seek justice. Lawyers know the law, how to challenge evidence and rulings if necessary, how to access experts if necessary, how to file needed documents, and how to negotiate possible settlements.
But why would you need a lawyer if you are not currently in the midst of a legal case? Having a lawyer you could call is important in 2023 for several reasons, even if you are not currently involved in a legal case. Here are the reasons why having a lawyer is important in 2023:
Basic Legal Documents
While calling your lawyer will not necessarily be a part of your weekly routine, there are some boring, everyday reasons to have a lawyer that you could call. Things like a will, power of attorney, or living will are all normal, everyday things that lawyers could handle for you.
While you may need legal advice about these things in an emergency, contacting a lawyer about these important documents before they are needed is your best bet. That way, you are not stressed, and you can handle all of these important documents with a lawyer while you are calm and collected. If you need to make a will or update your will, that is an everyday housekeeping task that a lawyer can easily help you with.
Special Circumstances
There may also be special circumstances in your life that would require a phone call to a lawyer, and having a lawyer in mind or that you work with on a regular basis will help you in these cases. If the lawyer that you normally work with is not an expert in the field that you need, they can always refer you to a trusted colleague, and if you trust your lawyer, their recommendation will be a vote of confidence in the lawyer they recommend.
Some of these special circumstances where you may need to call in a lawyer for legal advice, or to help you file necessary legal paperwork are situations like buying a house, adopting a child, starting a business, reviewing a contract, or filing for divorce. These are not everyday, basic cases, but for lawyers in these specialities, these are circumstances that they are experts at.
It is also important to have a lawyer, so that you know you have a legal representative to call in case of an emergency. Again, even if your lawyer is not an expert in the field, they can always refer you to a colleague. For example, your lawyer who specializes in estate planning or family law can recommend a personal injury lawyer if you are in a car accident.
These like accidents, injuries, deaths, and other sudden emergencies are important reasons to have a lawyer in mind that you could call.
As you can see, there are many reasons besides a current court case to have a lawyer in mind to call.