Causes, treatment and signs of male pattern baldness

Baldness is a common problem that many men face with age by the age of 35, up to two-thirds of men in the United States experience varying degrees of hair loss; by the age of 50, their number increases to 85%. Signs of baldness can appear early in life, sometimes even during adolescence. Since balding and thinning hair can decrease self-confidence, many men are looking for ways to address these problems.
Balding does not happen overnight; the process can take years, and in some cases, even decades. For this reason, you should pay attention to early signs of baldness. If you notice signs such as thinning hair in the temporal or frontal part of the head and are afraid of going bald, it is only natural that you are worried about it. You can get the help and treatment you need, although it should be noted that no remedy is 100 percent effective – it cannot completely cure baldness.
Causes of Male Pattern Baldness:
Many people, faced with baldness, want to understand what may be causing the change in hair condition. The degree of change in hair condition ranges from moderate mild thinning to severe and progressive baldness; each person’s situation is unique.
One of the causes of baldness may be a genetic predisposition that leads to male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). The tendency to baldness can be hereditary, and if you have a history of hair loss in your family, you may also have inherited this trait.
Stress: As a result of severe stress, a large number of hair follicles can enter a resting phase. This phenomenon, known as telogen alopecia, causes hair to fall out faster than new hair grows back.
An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to premature hair loss. Smoking, lack of sleep and lack of essential nutrients can lead to baldness. Underlying medical conditions can cause baldness. Certain alopecia, anemia, arthritis, hypertension, and thyroid disease can contribute to hair loss. Medication and medical treatments such as chemotherapy can cause baldness, hair loss, and hair thinning. Hair usually regains after treatment ends but may not be as thick as it used to be.
Signs of Hair Loss in Men:
Signs of balding of male patterns include hairline changes, circular or patchy bald patches, thinning hair, and more. They can appear quickly or develop gradually over several years. What you should pay attention to:
Changes in the hairline, i.e. a gradual retreat of the marginal line at the temples, in the forehead and crown. In men, bald patches often appear first on the forehead in the shape of the letter M.
Hair is thinning. If you notice that your hair is losing volume or individual strands are getting thinner, you may be experiencing the first symptoms of baldness. Thinning hair can occur slowly or quickly, depending on the individual. Hair grows more slowly, which can be a harbinger of a complete cessation of hair growth. If you notice that you have to cut less often than before, you may be experiencing the first symptoms of baldness.
Prevention and Treatment:
Thinning hair and baldness can be troublesome, but there are ways to minimize the effects of these phenomena and maintain healthy hair growth for as long as possible.
A healthy lifestyle is the first way to slow down or prevent hair loss. Watch your diet: it should be complete and balanced, high in vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, stay asleep, avoid smoking and alcohol – some studies have linked these habits to hair loss.
Manage Stress Levels – Stress is known to cause and exacerbate various health problems, including dandruff and thinning hair. Think about ways to deal with stress, such as through exercise or meditation. It will not only benefit your hair!